For me, a good film has to be good all the way through, with little or no boring bits in it. If at any point I catch myself wondering how long I have to sit there before the credits roll up then it's NOT a good film. Also, it has to be a film that I could watch again and again without getting tired of it. I'll try and keep the list reasonably original and avoid the totally obvious films that everyone (or almost everyone) likes such as Shrek and The Matrix and hopefully a few people will rent/download/buy some of these films and enjoy them. With all of that said and done with, here are some of my favourite films.
My favourite film (for the moment at least) has to be What Dreams May Come, I saw this film on TV a while ago and I recently downloaded it to watch it again (unfortunately there were no DivX versions available so I had to download the entire DVD rip). It's a very good film starring Robin Williams and to a lesser extent Annabella Sciorra. It's one of those films that makes me think that God might just exist after all, if only for a short while. I can recommend this film to absolutely anyone and everyone.
Another good 'un is Bruce Almighty starring Jim Carey and Jennifer Aniston. For those of you who think that Jim Carey can only do stupid idiotic kids films like The Mask and Liar Liar then you're wrong, while the film does have it's moments of comedy, (and of course his trade mark funny faces), it's also a good film at the same time, and there's probably even a moral hidden in there somewhere as well.
Now onto a comepletely different type of film, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I like this film for a different reason entirely, I like this one because you get to see people getting seriously hurt. It's not exactly a film for the squeemish but if you like a film with lots of suspense and people being slashed to pieces then this is for you.
The Butterfly Effect is a very thought provoking film starring Ashton Kutcher as he tries to fix things in the present by changing certain key events in the past, but all he seems to be able to do is make things worse. It's a serious film with an occasional light hearted moment.
Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind stars Sam Rockwell and George Clooney and is about the supposedly true life story of Chuck Barris (some American TV game-show host). When watching this film it's fun to entertain the thought that maybe these events actually happened, however unlikely it may seem. If you're a fan of the TV series Alias then it's a safe bet you'll like this film.
Finally is Back To The Future starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, do I even need to explain how awesome this film is? Really? OK then, it's mind blowingly awesome, and so are the two sequels. Really. I give it an awesome out of 10 rating.
Well, that's you're lot I'm afraid, just the six. If I think of any more I'll come back and edit this. Some films that almost made it onto the list were White Noise and Queen Of The Damned. White Noise was good all the way through but the ending was just horrifically bad. Queen Of The Damned was OK-ish I guess, but it didn't come close to touching the book.
So what about you? If you have a list of your favourite films them please post a comment about them, or write about them on your blog. I'd love to find out about some new films that perhaps I haven't taken note of before. All of the films on my list are relatively new, I don't tend to like as many of the older films, however if there's an outstanding one that I should know about please let me know.
Here's a blog so everyone knows I'm alive. Not that anyone cares or anything.
Exams start in 2 days. I have 8 subjects over 4 papers, 3 hours each on successive days. This sucks bigtime, but at least my exams will be over quickly. And then it's bender time. Get in.
Got the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack off the mighty Ebay today. It's a great cd, so buy it.
PS, I'm not a massive Star Wars fan, but what did people think of the new film?
Well, I don't know if any of you remember me mentioning a place called the CLC (or even if I mentioned it at all), but CLC stands for City Learning Centre and I've been helping out there as a techie this week again.
Didn't get much done on Monday to be honest, however on Tuesday I was shown a program called MonD (Movies on Demand), I'd link you to the site but I can't find it I'm afraid. Basically, all it is is something that stores information about some video files which are held on the network and it can show them to you at the click of a button. The other techies said that they wanted to allow kids and teachers access to this, but it would mean installing and configuring MonD on every single machine (not a fun job I would imagine).
So it was at this point in time when I perked up and said, "I could just make something in PHP and MySQL." Wonderful, that's just great. I know approximately NO PHP or MySQL and I volunteered to write quite a hefty online application for someone, which will be integrated into a much heftier application called moodle.
So yeah, great, anyway, I've made some progress with the help of Monsieur Bob and Ben Rogers on MSN and I've decided to put what I've done online and keep adding to the list after each significant enhancement. I might think about creating ANOTHER RSS feed for that page, but it's unlikely since I'll be too busy PHPing to get my ASP thang on. For now this link will have to do, so far all I've created is the view file list and I'm about to start working on the backend for the upload interface, and when I've done that I'll modify it slightly and turn it into an edit information interface.
In other news, today I've been to a school called St. Josephs, it's a catholic secondary school and again I'm the techie. I built 5 PC's today and I hope to get through the remaining 13 tomorrow. And no, I wasn't there all day otherwise I would have got a heck of a lot more than 5 done. What's different about this place is that they will actually pay me! Yes, it's true, I will finally be getting some money for my labours, not sure how much yet but I'll be sure to let you know brag about it as soon as I find out.
I know that I said that I'm done with ASP and this version of the blog code, however Jona mentioned the other day that I didn't have a feed. Also, Ben has been pestering me about getting one for a while. So today I asked Phil what he thought on the matter and whether it would be worth making one. Unfortunately he said yes, which didn't leave me with very much wiggle room.
So around 5PM I sat down at my desk and tortured google until it told me what the hell an RSS feed was. After approximately one search I found this which explained about the different versions. After reading most of the article I decided than an RSS 2.0 feed would be the way to go.
Back to google and I searched for the RSS 2.0 specification which is located precisely here. After completely reading through the specification, twice, I felt confident enough to write out a feed by hand, which I did. Then I validated it to make sure all was good.
By this time it was probably around 5:30 and I needed to automate the writing of the feed instead of doing it by hand. Back to my ASP book to read about how to write to files, then I started writing out some code. I was part way through this when I had to take a break, tea time don't you know.
When I came back I finished off writing the function to write the feed and it worked like a charm. And there you have it, how to go from knowing nothing about RSS to writing and integrating RSS feed creation code into a dead blog in little over one and a half hours.
I'm feeling quite chuffed with myself now. Also, I was thinking about including a few other feeds into the blog aswell, Atom and RSS 0.91 perhaps. But before I do that, what does everyone else think? Remember, Phil and co. over at q-staircase are going to be using this blog for at least a while yet as their host doesn't support PHP.
Edit: I should probably mention to those like me who don't know much about RSS feeds, to take advantage of them you need an RSS reader such as Sage.
Today (read: yesterday) I was walking up the road from where the bus dropped me off toward my house. It was dark, almost midnight, so there weren't many people about as you'd expect, but as I was walking up the road I saw two people walking down the road on the same side.
As I got closer I realised that it was an old couple, aww, how sweet. As we got closer still I began the routine of not looking away from them so that it seemed like I was deliberately avoiding them, but also not looking at them so that it seemed I was being impolite and staring. Staring at the ground is right out because it makes you look introverted (which by the way, I am), staring at the sky just makes you look like a goon (which I'm not) and staring straight ahead is just plain weird.
Anyway, my own insecurities aside, we eventually passed each other (as you might expect), and as we did they almost knocked me over. Not pushing me or anything, but by what they said, (the fact that they said anything is remarkable). They both said, "Good evening." Holy crap, did two just complete strangers pass me on the street and wish me well? I think so.
Is that what the world used to be like? Did everyone say good morning and good afternoon and good evening when they passed each other on the street? It'd be nice to think so, a different time when everyone was courteous to everyone else. Unlike now, when at night you mostly just get chavs hanging round, drinking, being loud and throwing stuff at your house. Where the chav's come from I don't know, I don't exactly live in Beverly Hills but it's still a reasonably posh area.
On a completely unrelated note, I just read about the custom Google homepage over at Jona's blog. So I decided to make one and take a screen-shot of it for no apparent reason.
Hoo-yeah, consider yourself all blogged out.
10 Pages:
Phil holds the record for longest cumshot ever at an amazing 39558 feet!