Quite Rude

  1. Mumps is lots of fun
    Blogged on Tuesday 8th February 2005 at 1:46:27 PM by Phil

    Despite having been immunised very recently, it seems I've gone and gotten mumps. Now you may have heard bad things about mumps, but let me tell you the truth ... mumps is fantastic. Not only can I not chew food, I can't go to lectures, supervisions, or in fact go out at all. This sets my uni work back quite noticeably. I think you'll agree mumps is great. Everyone should get mumps.

    Oh, wait, did I say "great"? I meant "shit beyond the realms of belief".

    On an entirely unrelated note, university work is hard, but uni is fun, fun, fun. Go here for the latest story. It's very good.

    Have a good day everyone. Enjoy the sunshine. I can't.


    Last updated on Wednesday 9th February 2005 at 0:19:02 AM
  2. Exhilirating X-rays Against My Scrotum
    Blogged on Monday 24th January 2005 at 1:50:22 AM by David

    That's right everybody, it's ... EXAMS!!! My first exam is in just over 11 hours and it's maths. Vectors, matrices, calculus and ... er, some other shit I should probably know. Complex numbers I think.

    Anyway, I've decided to stay up rediculously late the night before, therefore cunningly not leaving me much time to revise tomorrow morning. A crafty plot I'm sure you'll agree.

    Well, if any of you's guys has exams, don't hesitate to keep that information to yourself.

    Now for a PC update. I know that all of you have been checking the list daily, hourly in fact, so no doubt you all know that I have ordered all the parts neccessary to bring my creation to life.
    Hopefully throughout this week the bits and bobs will all arrive and by the end of the week I'll have another PC that's not as good as my main PC, can do less, doesn't play games as well and cost me a lot of money.

    Oh wait, FUCK.

    I think I really need to re-sell that PC to reclaim some/all of the money I spent on it, maybe even make a profit.

    Also, another thing I'm banking on is that the CPU actually works. I ordered a CPU that was marked up as faulty so everyone keep your fingers crossed that all goes well on that front.

    Well, that's all I have to say for now, comment on it if you must.

    Last updated on Sunday 6th February 2005 at 7:51:33 PM
  3. PC Bits
    Blogged on Wednesday 19th January 2005 at 7:41:58 PM by David

    OK, so the first wave of PC bits has arrived! I got the ATA cables, graphics card and the sound card.

    The sound card is of the awesomest calibur, Audigy 2 ZS 24bit 7.1 surround sound (even though I only have 5.1 speakers, it does leave room for a future upgrade), perhaps best of all though, the connectors on the back of the sound card are gold plated! That's good because:
    a) it's fucking gold!
    b) less hiss as gold is a better conductor than the random crap they usually use. Silver is actually a better conductor than gold, but gold looks better. Grin

    I took out my existing graphics and sound card and swopped in the new ones to make sure that they were working. There were some problems with the installation of the sound card because the driver disk was being fucking retarded, but I got all that straightened out sharpish.
    The graphics card, which for those of you who don't know, is a GeForce 4800 Titanium second edition and was made by Chaintech, not my first choice of mnufacturer I must admit, but hey, it's a GeForce, how bad could it be? (all you ATi supportors can go sit on a melon at this point)

    I've not tested the ATA cables yet, this is primarly because I can't be bothered, there are 9 fucking cables, I ain't gonna test all those bad boys, no way no how.

    Anyway, I've decided to add another column to the table that shows which components I've received out of the ones I've ordered. TTFN.

    Last updated on Wednesday 26th January 2005 at 4:25:20 PM
  4. The Project
    Blogged on Friday 14th January 2005 at 8:19:20 AM by David

    Alrighty then, I have a project. It's computer related of course, and since I'm such a PC hardware nut it involves PC hardware. In fact, it involves the buying of and putting together of PC hardware to form a cheap(ish) and easily over-clockable computer that will decemate all, or at least Farcry, Doom 3, Unreal Tournament 2004 and Half Life 2.

    Rather than spurt all the junk out into a blog entry, I have hand crafted a lovely project page that allows for much more control over things than I have allowed in my blog script. Maybe this will be rectified sometime in the future, probably not.

    Anyway, I've sort of explained everything on that other page, so go there now and have a read.

    Last updated on Wednesday 2nd February 2005 at 11:04:31 PM
  5. It's bin a while.
    Blogged on Thursday 13th January 2005 at 4:50:31 AM by David

    I know it's been quite some considerable time since I blogged you all, so why now you ask? Shut the fuck up I reply.

    So the purpose of this blog is to show you a cool web-site that I found called T-Shirt Hell.

    I ordered a couple of shirts off there today and I will now proceed to link you up.

    Shirt 1.
    Shirt 2.

    Shirt two is infinitely worse than shirt one, so if you feel a slight twinge of offense at shirt one, don't view the second, you'll only cry.

    Last updated on Tuesday 18th January 2005 at 11:34:10 PM
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