I know it's been quite some considerable time since I blogged you all, so why now you ask? Shut the fuck up I reply.
So the purpose of this blog is to show you a cool web-site that I found called T-Shirt Hell.
I ordered a couple of shirts off there today and I will now proceed to link you up.
Shirt two is infinitely worse than shirt one, so if you feel a slight twinge of offense at shirt one, don't view the second, you'll only cry.
The voltage accross David's brain is curently 39579V.
how i've longed for that 3-year-old shirt.
i mean, for my friend....
Good work, Dave.
Think I might be ordering number 2 as well.
You're only finding out about this site now? Man, that's just sad. Decent shirt selection- I should see if I can't dig up my old list.
The tsunami one is just over the top in my opinion.
Anyway, on an unrelated note, q-staircase.com is XHTML1.1/CSS friendly now, so Dave can eat my arse, because he thought I was shit with this sort of stuff. Admittedly I am.
<div id="links">
<a href="index.asp">News</a> /
<a href="about.asp"> About</a> /
<a href="photos.asp"> Photos</a> /
<a href="stories.asp"> Stories</a>
You are.
<ul id="links">
<li><a href="index.asp">News</a> /</li>
<li><a href="about.asp">About</a> /</li>
<li><a href="photos.asp">Photos</a> /</li>
<li><a href="stories.asp">Stories</a></li>
You sir, suffer from a common affliction known as div-itis. This is funny and also serious, on the one hand I'm calling you a div and on the other you use too many <div> tags.
There's not a single shirt on that site that I don't find funny, well, except for the klondike bar one. Wtf is a klodike bar?
Well, in answer to your complaint, I don't want a UL, since if the browser doesnt support CSS, I don't want the links to appear as a bulleted list.
And my new laptop comes today from Mesh. 1024MB ram, 3.4GHz Pentium 4, DVD ReWriter.
And by the way, Mr. Accessibility, our counter doesn't appear in IE.
How is a counter not appearing in anyway not accessible? I could just completely remove the counter and it wouldn't bother anyone.
I am fully aware that the counter doesn't appear in IE, now ask me if I give a crap, if you use a browser that shit then an invisible counter is the least of your problems.
Phil, if the users browser doesn't support styles or has styles disabled then those links should appear as a list. You have a list of links therefore they should be marked up as such.
I'm not gonna launch into a full tyrade of why you should use semantically correct markup though. I'm bored of them, there have been so many on the webdeveloper forums.
Don't get angry. Calm down. But I just don't see how you can justify "If the users browser doesn't support styles or has styles disabled then those links should appear as a list". It's not really necessary is it?
Also, you bitch about people not making Netscape friendly code, so what's the difference? IE may be wank, but your counter still doesn't accomodate it.
If styles aren't available, then the site should look plain, and not follow your theme at all... unless your theme is W3C. However, I don't think lists like that would need to be UL's- KISS, and all- but you can't apply Fitt's law when they're like that, making it unaccessible.
You could just use a bg image with a slash on the li, and let all be happeh. For the record, this is a personal blog- pretty much all of it's visitors use a decent browser, hence, IE can go fuck itself. If it was a business site, Dave'd be a wank, though.
Fine, you want me to fix the counter? Fine, I'll fix the f'in' counter.
Lol. Procrastination beats accessibility, acessibility beats ignorance, ignorance beats procrastination.
Quote : "For the record, this is a personal blog- pretty much all of it's visitors use a decent browser, hence, IE can go fuck itself. If it was a business site, Dave'd be a wank, though."
Yes, but if he made a Mozilla-unfriendly site, you'd be crying, wouldn't you?
If Dave ignored his demographic, and built a site for IE that didn't work for Mozilla, (even though, in this instance it's just a counter), I would be upset, and stop visiting it. However, it's a personal blog, with no mandatory information, that is very accessible, and only lacks one unneccessary feature for one unneccessary browser.