Well my parents went out to work today so obviously they needed to get me up at 8:10 to wait for the washer repair man.
That was almost 2 hours ago now and he still hasn't arrived yet.
And I'm ill. Lets talk about that shall we? Yes.
I feel sick pretty much all the time, the only time I don't feel sick is when I'm sleeping but apparently I've had far too much sleep today already.
What will make me feel less sick? Ah, a nice cool cup of water. WRONG. Water makes me feel MORE sick.
I fucking hate bacteria.
Yeah, I know, there haven't been any new blogs (or comments) in a while. That's because I've not had anything to write about.
I still don't.
But here's a new blog anyway, it's got everything in it that you've come to expect from an entry, political incorrectness, me rambling on, no actual point etc. etc.
Don't drink that beer,
It looks a bit queer,
And I fear,
It may infect your ear.
That's right, christmas is coming, all over your face, and you love it, don't try and deny it you sick fuck.
Well that's enough about Phil. Yes Chistmas will be here soon in just 3 days and some change. I hope you all have a good one, and don't forget to all send me money now, just send me an email telling me how wonderful I am (which is very) and I'll send you back a donate link to my Paypal account, I think you can take it from there.
Incidentally, Phil takes it every night from his dad, all the way in, that's a good boy.
Sorry Phil, I seem to be riding you like a bitch in this blog, ah well I'm sure you'll get over it.
Yes those things are back, and they need doing and there's last minutes involved and everything.
OK, I'll start from the beginning, which was two weeks ago. We were give a sheet of paper on with a picture of some weird and wonderful mechanical device on it along with some dimensions.
The task was to draw a technical drawing of it. Not too bad, I've had practice at doing the drawings and I'm reasonably good at it.
So I do what I usually do, leave it to the last possible available time to do it. My question is this, when you leave things to the last minute, why do things always take just slightly longer than you have time for to complete?
I got the drawing done OK, but I was 10 minutes late for a half hour tutorial, which caused much turning round and generally unwanted attention.
God damn things, I'ma put a hex on things, or become PM and make things illegal or summat.
Yes it's true, here's the brand spanking new entry brought to you live from Flange in Dorset.
I thought I should give you all a progress report for the new blogging script. So far it's 1% done!
Nah, I'm just yanking your chain, it's really 0% done.
Maybe I'll get some done over the weekend if I'm in the mood for it, however that would mean that I WOULDN'T be in the mood to play NFSU2 and this is very very unlikely, so nevermind.
Surely it can't take much longer to create a new blog script, surely. Hang in there blogites, it'll be here in good time.
10 Pages:
39541 young boys are locked in evil Dave's dungeon.