Despite having been immunised very recently, it seems I've gone and gotten mumps. Now you may have heard bad things about mumps, but let me tell you the truth ... mumps is fantastic. Not only can I not chew food, I can't go to lectures, supervisions, or in fact go out at all. This sets my uni work back quite noticeably. I think you'll agree mumps is great. Everyone should get mumps.
Oh, wait, did I say "great"? I meant "shit beyond the realms of belief".
On an entirely unrelated note, university work is hard, but uni is fun, fun, fun. Go here for the latest story. It's very good.
Have a good day everyone. Enjoy the sunshine. I can't.
39571 young boys are locked in evil Dave's dungeon.
Haha, cripple!
I'm not totally heartless though, I gave him some blog code to be getting on with. Not the new stuff, that's not finished yet.
So hopefully q-staircase will be running ASS Plug 2 soon, complete with 3 known bugs!
I think I'll put up a page with the latest version of the code and it's known bugs, along with a list of features that are currently supported. This page could double as a progress page for the new code.
Ah, the mumps. Well... since you're screwed anyways, enjoy it. Stressless and all, y'see. Just make Dave get a good book for ya- and if he doesn't, cough on him a few times. That'll teach 'im.
If Phil coughs anywhere near me, I'll piss on his face, then I'll cum in his mum ... and I have AIDS!!!
Noyouwon't. Phil, cough on 'im! COUGH, BOY, I need a laugh!