Well, I don't know if any of you remember me mentioning a place called the CLC (or even if I mentioned it at all), but CLC stands for City Learning Centre and I've been helping out there as a techie this week again.
Didn't get much done on Monday to be honest, however on Tuesday I was shown a program called MonD (Movies on Demand), I'd link you to the site but I can't find it I'm afraid. Basically, all it is is something that stores information about some video files which are held on the network and it can show them to you at the click of a button. The other techies said that they wanted to allow kids and teachers access to this, but it would mean installing and configuring MonD on every single machine (not a fun job I would imagine).
So it was at this point in time when I perked up and said, "I could just make something in PHP and MySQL." Wonderful, that's just great. I know approximately NO PHP or MySQL and I volunteered to write quite a hefty online application for someone, which will be integrated into a much heftier application called moodle.
So yeah, great, anyway, I've made some progress with the help of Monsieur Bob and Ben Rogers on MSN and I've decided to put what I've done online and keep adding to the list after each significant enhancement. I might think about creating ANOTHER RSS feed for that page, but it's unlikely since I'll be too busy PHPing to get my ASP thang on. For now this link will have to do, so far all I've created is the view file list and I'm about to start working on the backend for the upload interface, and when I've done that I'll modify it slightly and turn it into an edit information interface.
In other news, today I've been to a school called St. Josephs, it's a catholic secondary school and again I'm the techie. I built 5 PC's today and I hope to get through the remaining 13 tomorrow. And no, I wasn't there all day otherwise I would have got a heck of a lot more than 5 done. What's different about this place is that they will actually pay me! Yes, it's true, I will finally be getting some money for my labours, not sure how much yet but I'll be sure to let you know brag about it as soon as I find out.
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We have a CLC nearby, it is one of those learn direct course centres.
I have had experience with moodle, not a big fan of the yellow colour scheme though...
I think that they must have altered the colour scheme, it's blue now.
About bloody time!