Quite Rude

The State Of Things
Blogged on Friday 20th May 2005 at 1:49:21 AM by David

Today (read: yesterday) I was walking up the road from where the bus dropped me off toward my house. It was dark, almost midnight, so there weren't many people about as you'd expect, but as I was walking up the road I saw two people walking down the road on the same side.

As I got closer I realised that it was an old couple, aww, how sweet. As we got closer still I began the routine of not looking away from them so that it seemed like I was deliberately avoiding them, but also not looking at them so that it seemed I was being impolite and staring. Staring at the ground is right out because it makes you look introverted (which by the way, I am), staring at the sky just makes you look like a goon (which I'm not) and staring straight ahead is just plain weird.

Anyway, my own insecurities aside, we eventually passed each other (as you might expect), and as we did they almost knocked me over. Not pushing me or anything, but by what they said, (the fact that they said anything is remarkable). They both said, "Good evening." Holy crap, did two just complete strangers pass me on the street and wish me well? I think so.

Is that what the world used to be like? Did everyone say good morning and good afternoon and good evening when they passed each other on the street? It'd be nice to think so, a different time when everyone was courteous to everyone else. Unlike now, when at night you mostly just get chavs hanging round, drinking, being loud and throwing stuff at your house. Where the chav's come from I don't know, I don't exactly live in Beverly Hills but it's still a reasonably posh area.

On a completely unrelated note, I just read about the custom Google homepage over at Jona's blog. So I decided to make one and take a screen-shot of it for no apparent reason.

Hoo-yeah, consider yourself all blogged out.

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