Here's a blog so everyone knows I'm alive. Not that anyone cares or anything.
Exams start in 2 days. I have 8 subjects over 4 papers, 3 hours each on successive days. This sucks bigtime, but at least my exams will be over quickly. And then it's bender time. Get in.
Got the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack off the mighty Ebay today. It's a great cd, so buy it.
PS, I'm not a massive Star Wars fan, but what did people think of the new film?
Phil holds the record for longest cumshot ever at an amazing 39528 feet!
Oooh, a blog from the mighty absenter. No, that's NOT a real word*.
Don't listen to Phil though, don't buy that album, download it. When I get home I'll see if there are any torrents with it, and if not, well ... I'll probably have a cry or something.
(* Well it might be, I dunno, I kinda just made it up.)
How can you have a cry? You're not keeping it, you're just using it. Howeverr, it's not a physical object, and you can't really run out of cries, to using "use" just doesn't slice it. And that's why dry British humor sucks, in a nutshell.
I think it'd have to be "do a cry". That sounds right.
And that's why Americans can't spell humour, in a nutshell.
And apparently they can't spell "However" and "so" correctly either.
Honestly Ben, don't you proof read?
No, I don't, even though I don't remember those errors being there... hmm. If a preview feature, or user editing features was offered, I would, but this half-assed form is far from ideal for proofreading. Ugly, too. STYLE IT ALREADY!