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The voltage accross David's brain is curently 39651V.
...sweeped the foam like crazy all night long, only stopping to...
Before I post a reply, may I say that that was low, very very low, in fact it was such a low blow that you actually punched me in the feet.
...not sweep the foam any more and instead began to ridicule small children. Derek was promptly attacked by defensive parents who wielded deadly...
...weapons of mass destruction. Derek started to...
...shit himself, he continued to shit himself for a good 6.39 seconds, then he finished shitting himself and ran away. Unfortunately the stench of his anal secretions...
... set off the weapons of mass destruction. BOOM! ...
...and everyone lived happily ever after... until...
...the radiation cause mal-formed children and cows started to grow wings. Derek had already had 3 pat's on the head when he decided that...
...he should dump steve and find a new [non-eaten] beetroot to make passionate...
...baby making noises with. Derek went out and found a perfect...
... beetroot - big and juicy and full of other important substances and atributes.
his name was kevin and he was a builder from
...Ilfracoomb. As soon as Derek found this out he left his new beetroot buddy, after all, as Derek would say, "We does not like beetroots from Ilfracoomb". So Derek...
went on his travels to find the perfect hole punch, this quest took him to...
... Canada. Canada was awesome, and it had plenty of big juicy hole punches. He found the perfect one, and...
...hole punched his testicles with glee. This had the unfortunate side effect...
...of severe hurt. Luckily, it knocked some sense into him, and he got the hell out of Canada, and decided to become a...
...prostitute. This not only made him rich but also cured his swollen testicles. With the millions he made selling his cock-end, he bought...
... a one-way ticket to Amsterdam, where he could continue is man-whoring business. His first customer, Barbera, was ...
...a nice, tight bitch who took all of his huge beet-cock...
ROTFL! Look at the comment number of my previous comment.
It doesn't take much to amuse our Paul.
...in her eye, for she did enjoy optical sex. She especially liked it when he...
pulled up his shirt and she took his navel and ...
New visitor!
...inserted cucumbers of varying length and girth. Being a bit of a sadist bitch, Barbara tied Derek to the bed, snubbed out a cigerette on his eyeball, and took all his cash, stranding him in Amsterdam. Derek decided the only thing for it was to...
...use his super-beet strength and break free from his bonds! He used his immense beet-brain and tracked down the skank who robbed him and beat her to death with his freakishly large beet-testicle. After doing so and being satisifed with himself, Derek...
strolled through the park only to be seized by the secret police!!
turned out to be Barbera's brother, and proceeded to rape him in all of his beet-holes, as well as his...
various other holes that he kept in a box under his bed, his favorite of which was the...
rather large hole, which he could jump though into the magical...
land of beetwhores, many of which quite enjoyed...
epecially in the midday sun lounging next to the pool of beet -hunnies and being ....
quite spiffily dressed, in...
...French Toast, quite an odd attire I'm sure you will agree, and the costume sure did chafe his...
beetly figure assuring the attention of the many many laydees...
whom quickly proceeded to chow down on the French toast, allowing our beet hero to strut his...
magnificent beet-tasticness, down 5th street, and was promptly noticed by all the...
Beetlets, who proceeded to assault our beet hero with previously unheard of...
beet doings and you now the kind i speak of , that which was done unto derek was horrific and so...
...horrific and terrifyingly horrific and sadly also horrific that Derek developed a large dislike to Beetlets and made a mental note to avoid them in future. The Beetlets then wandered...
off a cliff, like lemmings, and Derek began to follow, and then...
pie was good, but back to our story...
which can also include pie if you wish....
derek opened his fly to reveal ...
...a pie!!! (My God, who didn't see that one cumming ... er I mean coming), anyway, Derek started cumming all over...
the falling lemmings below him. by doing this he not only acheived a great sense of self satisfaction but also ...
tired himself out something feirce, and fell over the edge, asleep, hurtling towards the pile of mysteriously white lemmings, to his apparent...
...pleasure. Luckily his fall was cushioned by gallons of his very own sticky white love piss and...
he found himeself drowning in his own fluids. Sucked further, and further in, he realized his only hope of salvation was to...
...drink all of the fluid up as quickly as he could. Unfortunately he found himself without a straw through which to drink it and so...
he got to lapping, and after puking on a few lemming corpses, and rolling around quite a bit, found that he...
...had started to drown in vomit, quickly he...
lifted his beetly head out of the vomit and pulled the string on his self inflating rubber dinghy...