Quite Rude


  1. #251 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...lubricant sales shot through the roof. Sadly these events took place during the great roofer shortage of '87 and...

    Saturday 14th May 2005 at 6:22:09 PM
  2. #252 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...many a baby was devoured by hungry roofers who were being held captive by Willy Nelson because his talking dog said it was a good idea. Now, it was found out that these dildo-books contained a powerful itching powder...

    Saturday 14th May 2005 at 6:28:12 PM
  3. #253 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...which turned out to only heighten the pleasure. Then the rabid crows...

    Sunday 15th May 2005 at 9:50:44 PM
  4. #254 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...got a taste for bloody itching cream, and began trying to get more of it by attacking the lonely elderly who couldn't afford lube. Derek's grandma...

    Tuesday 17th May 2005 at 0:45:23 AM
  5. #255 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...had her entire head removed in a new experimental cosmetic surgery technique. Meanwhile the controversy surrounding the...

    Tuesday 17th May 2005 at 4:31:40 PM
  6. #256 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...cock bond was resolved by legalizing gay marriage. Now, in Derek's pants,...

    Wednesday 18th May 2005 at 2:54:20 AM
  7. #257 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...an atomic bomb was armed and little did he know that behind this fiendish plot was none other than his arch nemesis...

    Wednesday 18th May 2005 at 3:04:26 AM
  8. #258 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...Ronald McDonald. That evil bastard wanted Derek's exploded...

    Wednesday 18th May 2005 at 3:05:35 AM
  9. #259 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...ruins to be displayed outside Subway in the hope of driving customers away from them so that McDonalds could get a larger market share. Unfortunately...

    Wednesday 18th May 2005 at 3:15:29 AM
  10. #260 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...like the people who buy salads at McDonald's (IT'S A FUCKING SALAD!), he was a fucknut, and really only put a slightly retarded and unconscious squirrel in Derek's pants. After the squirrel had a seizure near his groin, Derek realized he had found a new best friend, and...

    Thursday 19th May 2005 at 10:52:36 PM
  11. #261 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...promptly ignored him. For Derek had a phobia of friends, unfortunate but true, poor Derek had a lonely existance and could only relieve his boredom by...

    Friday 20th May 2005 at 1:57:26 AM
  12. #262 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...moshing at Britney Spears (read: BS) shows. One night, after accidentally elbowing an 11 year old girl in the scrotum...

    Friday 20th May 2005 at 8:50:00 PM
  13. #263 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...he had to go to the hospital for emergency elbow surgery, since the 11 year old girl was actually made of granite and his elbow was travelling at over 6000 miles / hour. Derek was howling in...

    Friday 20th May 2005 at 9:22:35 PM
  14. #264 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...to his mother's face, because he felt like being all emo. He was promptly shot in the face for whining over a "boo-boo," and...

    Wednesday 25th May 2005 at 11:48:21 PM
  15. #265 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...then he started to whine about being shot (the cry-baby). What can we learn from this? Well, Derek is most certainly not the exception to the rule...

    Thursday 26th May 2005 at 5:04:11 PM
  16. #266 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...that beets don't like being shot, and since they don't have brains, shots to the face don't kill them. Unlike them pussy humans...

    Friday 27th May 2005 at 9:33:29 PM
  17. #267 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...who eat beetroots. Just then a human ate Derek, he fell down into the deep dark abyss and the only think he could think as he fell was...

    Friday 27th May 2005 at 11:36:50 PM
  18. #268 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...man, pie rules. Luckily, the human was a fatass trying to be healthy by eating massive amounts of veggies in place of cheetos, and he was swallowed whole. After shaking his head clear...

    Saturday 28th May 2005 at 2:49:58 PM
  19. #269 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...his head was invisible, a curious but somewhat unhelpful fact. Upon contact with the stomach acid...

    Saturday 28th May 2005 at 5:29:52 PM
  20. #270 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...Derek shreiked like a little girl. Having regained his composure...

    Wednesday 1st June 2005 at 9:41:15 PM
  21. #271 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...only to turn into a relatively large Blue whale, he set off to make his fortune in London city where the streets are paved with...

    Thursday 2nd June 2005 at 9:18:09 AM
  22. #272 posted by Ben Rogers.

    peni (penises sounds wrong) of...

    Saturday 11th June 2005 at 1:06:27 AM
  23. #273 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...which only two of them were still attached, the famous duo went by the name of...

    Saturday 11th June 2005 at 1:16:13 AM
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Quite Rude, because 39644 intimidated slaves can't be wrong!