Quite Rude


  1. #201 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...the carpet, that's gonna stain. Derek dragged the broken robot outside and leaned it against the garden gate for...

    Friday 26th November 2004 at 11:08:46 AM
  2. #202 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...emergency booty calls...

    Friday 26th November 2004 at 5:24:16 PM
  3. #203 posted by Rich (rich dot gough at gmail dot com).

    ...in other news Derek, backed by Blair, Asia, Europe, Africa, David, the rest of the world and God declared war on Americanisms (including 'booty call')...

    Friday 26th November 2004 at 6:55:14 PM
  4. #204 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...and soon after got their asses handed to them because they suck in general...

    Friday 26th November 2004 at 11:16:27 PM
  5. #205 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...said Ben, right before he was proved wrong. So then Ben went and cried in the...

    Saturday 27th November 2004 at 1:18:47 AM
  6. #206 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    corner", said David, who was promptly headbutted right in the bojangles by Derek, who then...

    Saturday 27th November 2004 at 2:01:05 AM
  7. #207 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...collapsed with a concussion for David was wearing a steel cup that more that protected him from angry beets, and infact, nukes. Having been thoroughly beaten, Ben...

    Saturday 27th November 2004 at 2:12:26 AM
  8. #208 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...proceeded to shoot David in the bojangles with an armor peircing shotgun, and then threw salt in the place where the shot had been...

    Saturday 27th November 2004 at 5:05:00 PM
  9. #209 posted by Charlotte .

    misfired producing a funny salty bloody mess of ...

    Saturday 27th November 2004 at 6:55:56 PM
  10. #210 posted by Rich (rich dot gough at gmail dot com).


    Sunday 28th November 2004 at 10:12:01 AM
  11. #211 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...in' juice...

    Sunday 28th November 2004 at 4:56:25 PM
  12. #212 posted by Rich (rich dot gough at gmail dot com).

    ...which is the new drink lovingly made by the same people who genetically modified puppies to produce Coca Cola. After the shotgun misfired on poor Ben who's balls were now as flat and leathery as bat wings, David wasted no time in...

    Sunday 28th November 2004 at 6:19:21 PM
  13. #213 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...kicking the shredded wound. Then me and Ben played pool and I won four times in a row (true story). Grin Anyway, while all this was happening Derek...

    Sunday 28th November 2004 at 7:04:05 PM
  14. #214 posted by charlotte.

    watched in amazement to see dave win anything... after which he purchased a large sheep and took it to ...

    Friday 3rd December 2004 at 12:09:48 AM
  15. #215 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...the local church, to get married to the beast. After finding the preist would not marry them...

    Friday 3rd December 2004 at 9:10:00 PM
  16. #216 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...Derek stormed out in a fit or rage and was duly struck down by the hand of God. In hell Derek...

    Friday 3rd December 2004 at 11:27:18 PM
  17. #217 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...fumed some more, but eventually decided to get on with his afterlife. So, to spite god, Derek began hitting on the devil...

    Saturday 4th December 2004 at 4:34:44 PM
  18. #218 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...who cast him down into the little known eigth circle of Hell, which was reserved for beets who hit on the Devil. Derek was in unimaginable...

    Saturday 4th December 2004 at 4:47:47 PM
  19. #219 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...general discomfort as objects of various shapes, sizes, and colour...

    Sunday 5th December 2004 at 5:32:39 AM
  20. #220 posted by Rich (rich dot gough at gmail dot com).

    ...probed him. Hard. Then Derek remebered that he was a gay and began to enjoy the probing quite loudly, causing considerable upset to the Gremlins and Little Wizards who were doing their best to fill the months Torment Quota. Thus, the Devil did cast out the bum-fun lovin' beet unto the worst place in all of the universe...

    Sunday 5th December 2004 at 4:35:32 PM
  21. #221 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...the pit of spammers. Cast into the dark, flooded pit, Derek...

    Sunday 5th December 2004 at 9:07:10 PM
  22. #222 posted by Rich (rich dot gough at gmail dot com).

    ...was bombarded by a horde of dead spam-twats offering breast enlargements, penile inversion operations and cheap viagra alternatives. After what seemed like an eternity of spam...

    Monday 6th December 2004 at 10:32:39 AM
  23. #223 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...Derek finally got to the porn spam...

    Monday 6th December 2004 at 8:48:58 PM
  24. #224 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...which was worse, they taunted him with 1 second free trials and just when he was gagging for it, they asked for his credit card details. Oh the tragedy, for beets were not allowed...

    Tuesday 7th December 2004 at 3:02:49 PM
  25. #225 posted by Charlotte .

    to even see a credit card let alone own one!

    Sunday 12th December 2004 at 10:53:13 AM
  26. #226 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    "Why?", you may ask, but you will not get an answer. For the tale of the anti-beets with credit cards act is a tragic one, riddled with pain, misery, and meatloaf. It all began...

    Sunday 12th December 2004 at 6:34:39 PM
  27. #227 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...in Ben's colon. On a brighter note, todays highs will be around the midlands with temperatures reaching 35 degrees C. Furthermore...

    Sunday 12th December 2004 at 8:55:12 PM
  28. #228 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ...the British are 'tards. Tards who should go by "standard" because I don't know metric temperatures. Anyways, lately Paul's smell has reached abysmal levels, causing widespread...

    Monday 13th December 2004 at 1:38:08 AM
  29. #229 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...America is gay syndrome. This of course was not aided by their dismal leader, who's re-election reinforced the "Americans are all fucktards" stereotype. So Derek...

    Monday 13th December 2004 at 1:46:47 AM
  30. #230 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    …decided to become a Canadian citizen and denounce all his American heritage to lessen the shame of his already….

    Monday 13th December 2004 at 2:05:52 AM
  31. #231 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...disgraced family tree. The Canadians accepted him with open arms and no sceptism, because Canadians are nice people unlike the American scum. Upon leaving Derek spat on...

    Monday 13th December 2004 at 2:08:13 AM
  32. #232 posted by charlotte.

    ben.... and all was well in the world as he skipped merrily across the border and began his new life as a ...

    Monday 13th December 2004 at 11:09:26 AM
  33. #233 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...rent boy. His new life was not without it's perks though, like that one time when he...

    Sunday 1st May 2005 at 4:43:11 PM
  34. #234 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...came upon a nice old lady, who offered him cookies in exchange for his cookies. A confused, but intrigued Derek...

    Sunday 1st May 2005 at 5:23:40 PM
  35. #235 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...killed her, stole her cookies and had twice as many cookies as before AND a new sex doll!!! All was going well until...

    Sunday 1st May 2005 at 5:38:46 PM
  36. #236 posted by Ben Rogers.

    said sex doll becam decomposing during a particularly vigorous bout of anal sex. Her colon collapsed around his beet-cock,...

    Saturday 7th May 2005 at 3:11:34 AM
  37. #237 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...which only added to Derek's enjoyment. After he was finished with her, he dumped the body in...

    Saturday 7th May 2005 at 6:28:33 AM
  38. #238 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...the local homeless food donation box. While walking back home,...

    Sunday 8th May 2005 at 3:36:14 AM
  39. #239 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...he got peckish and decided to pose as a homeless bum to get some free food from the shelter, the food tasted quite oddly like...

    Sunday 8th May 2005 at 5:40:22 AM
  40. #240 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...the felching session he had last night. On a TOTALLY unrelated note, McDonalds had started donating food to the homeless shelter because...

    Sunday 8th May 2005 at 8:33:30 PM
  41. #241 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...they wanted to kill more people with their poor excuse for food. Derek ran away to...

    Sunday 8th May 2005 at 9:31:09 PM
  42. #242 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...Borganorgan, or at least he thought he did, because Dr. Hobo had put all this crack in the food. While on this happy-time trip...

    Sunday 8th May 2005 at 10:51:33 PM
  43. #243 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...he saw a ghost who wanted to kill him. He thought this was quite cute so he put the ghost in his...

    Sunday 8th May 2005 at 11:01:42 PM
  44. #244 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...best turtleneck sweater. Pleased, the ghost assaulted Derek with hot sex, after...

    Sunday 8th May 2005 at 11:03:10 PM
  45. #245 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...wards they both lit up a cigarette and lay quietly next to each other. Then the ghost said, "I think I'm...

    Sunday 8th May 2005 at 11:11:20 PM
  46. #246 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...pregnant." Derek, eyes wide, quickly left the room, and came back with a...

    Friday 13th May 2005 at 3:01:39 AM
  47. #247 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...coathanger. After a lot of screaming, the pregnancy was no longer an issue any more and Derek was free to...

    Friday 13th May 2005 at 1:49:45 PM
  48. #248 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...write his book on supernatural, after-life pregnancy, and attend pro-death-life rallies. Then, after hitting me for saying "pro-death-life,"...

    Friday 13th May 2005 at 10:22:03 PM
  49. #249 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    ...God put his pimp hand down and Ben promised never to say it again on penalty of being bitch slapped again by the all-mighty *cough*non-existant*cough* being. The book was a massive...

    Friday 13th May 2005 at 10:39:23 PM
  50. #250 posted by Ben Rogers.

    ...dildo with about 10 words printed on it. Everyone was generally confused, sexually excited, and...

    Saturday 14th May 2005 at 6:18:43 PM
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