
Hate Rhymes or Rhymes Against Humanity

If you don't like someone, then this blog is the place to express yourself.
Alternatively, if you are a racist pig (now obliged by law to say pig after the word racist pig (I had to do it again, the law and all)), you can express your Neo-Nazi views here.
You can of course post some nice poetry here but you will be most likely drowned out with cries of hatred.

Anything goes, except bad mouthing us, your exceptionally gracious hosts, Dave and Phil. If you're offended then we're not stopping you from leaving.

This idea sprouted from blog number 11 which was assaulted by a bloke named Richard. Then the rhyming began (and is still going on).

To get the ball rolling, he is a poem that I have just come up with:

Prancing fairy, pretty and wise,
Have you seen two nasty guys,
Dressed in a strange disguise?

Yes, I've seen two nasty guys,
In a very strange disguise,
They dragged me into that ally-way,
And took me up the back passage way.

Oh my God, are you alright?
Could you put up much of a fight?

No I couldn't you twat!
You try fighting back when you have a pole up your arse!

Remember, you are accountable for what you say, you're the one that can get sued/beaten up, not us.
