Quite Rude

That Pesky Counter
Blogged on Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:01:50 AM by David

So I finally got around to fixing the counter in IE, took all of 2 seconds. Through some messing around with the CSS it seemed that IE was floating the counter paragraph next to one of the columns and then positioning it somewhere off the screen because of that.

So I just moved the counter paragraph to after the clearing div tag in the HTML and that fixed it for IE.

This is about as interesting as it gets I'm afraid. I do have other more interesting things to write about but I feel like I'm about to die, so I can't be bothered. Maybe I'll write something interesting in a bit.


  1. #1 posted by The Ben.

    OMGWTF was that? WHO CARES? Grin

    Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:33:12 AM
  2. #2 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Jesus cares.

    Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:34:05 AM
  3. #3 posted by Teh Ben.

    No, he doesn't. Jesus is some Spanish bitch who works at the 7/11. THERE IS NO GOD! Even if he didn't exist, he wouldn't care, because you're ugly! Yeah! Cheeky

    Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:35:34 AM
  4. #4 posted by Teh Ben.

    *even if he did exist :$

    Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:36:13 AM
  5. #5 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    I hope that God does exist and that when you get to heaven and you're at the gates they say "Are you that guy that said God was a Spanish bitch on quiterude.com?" And you say, "Yes." That God comes out and rapes your face.


    Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:41:25 AM
  6. #6 posted by Teh Ben.

    Fuck that shit. I'd lie, just be like "No, that was [insert name of other Ben I'd've hopefully met before I die], the little bitch just blamed it on me." Whereupon I'd get sent to hell, and try to wiggle into the advisor position to avoid the eternal torment n' all.

    Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:43:50 AM
  7. #7 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    Dude... who the fuck cares? No one around here uses IE anyway...

    Oh, and Ben, you have it all wrong: "god" is a fat black women who likes fried chicken, malt liquor, watermelon, and gossip.

    Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:53:20 AM
  8. #8 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Well, to shut that dumb fuck called Phil up, I fixed the counter.

    Phil: And by the way, Mr. Accessibility, our counter doesn't appear in IE.

    Me: I am fully aware that the counter doesn't appear in IE, now ask me if I give a crap, if you use a browser that shit then an invisible counter is the least of your problems.

    Phil: ...you bitch about people not making Netscape friendly code, so what's the difference? IE may be wank, but your counter still doesn't accomodate it.

    Me: Fine, you want me to fix the counter? Fine, I'll fix the f'in' counter.

    Me: ...later.

    Me: ...maybe.

    And now I have.

    Sunday 13th February 2005 at 0:58:41 AM
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