So, the British general election was yesterday and I hope that all you British types when out and votorated. If you didn't then you're either under 18 or you're a cunt who doesn't love his country, both in some cases.
I went out and voted for the Conservative party, primarily because I don't like Labour. It was touch and go for a second when I saw we had a BNP candidate though. j/k
Anywho, in my constituency Labour went and won anyway, and in all of the hundreds of constituencies all around me. In fact, if you were to add the votes that went to the second and third place parties, Conservative and Liberal Democrats respectively, they still wouldn't have beaten Labour, who pulled in 49.8% of the votes.
If you're interested in learning more about how the country voted then here's a map over at the BBC's site. To find out how things went on where I live, here's another link for you to click, if it's not too much strain for you. You need Flash and JavaScript for the map page to work by the way. Fuck knows why you need JavaScript, the whole damn thing is Flash.
It has been 39555 seconds since Dave last got ass pounded.
John Culshaw was up to his Blair-impersonating tricks again on election night and made a very valid point:
"Tory leaders keep on coming along and, well, I keep on beating them...Maybe there could be a guest Tory leader each election or maybe one a week"
If only the Tories had something better to do than resort to their traditional immigration tactics that appeal to the xenophobia in people.