Quite Rude

The Next Blog
Blogged on Friday 13th May 2005 at 12:20:20 AM by David

I've decided, the next version of the blog will be called Fog.

PHP blog
PHP log

I was just gonna leave it at PHog but then idiots would ask me stupid questions like, "How do you pronounce PHog?" And when I tell them they'd go on to say stupid things like, "No, it's pronounced P-Hog idiot."

And yes, in case you didn't already realise, it's gonna be in PHP. I'm sick and tired of hearing about the things PHP can do that ASP can't. It has a shit load of built in functions that I could use instead of things that I've had to write all my own functions for the long way round.

One of the things I wanted to do in QR was allow some markup to be entered in users comments, then I wanted to strip out illegal tags and validate the comment. Well it turns out that ASP simply isn't equipped to do that but PHP can do it in about 2 lines. Maybe ASP.net can do that, I don't know and I don't care. I've lost my patience with this whole ASP thing.

Another thing that pisses me off about ASP is VBScript. I fucking hate it. To write in ASP you either have to use JScript or VBScript, I'd love to use JScript since it's similar to JavaScript, but unfortunately all of the web-sites that have ASP tutorials on them use VBScript and so does the book that I bought. Grr.

So yeah, I've picked up a PHP book that I've had sitting on my bookshelf for a while now and I've started reading it. I skipped the first few chapters about how to configure and install the software that comes with the book because it's fucking ancient and doesn't work on XP. Now I've just raced through the first few chapters on variables, flow control and functions. I swear that from what I've read so far it could almost BE JavaScript. The biggest difference I've noted is that . is used to concatenate variables instead of the + symbol.

I think I'm just at the stage where the really meaty stuff starts so hopefully I'll be able to get really stuck into that. I'll also give WAMP server another go, because it'd be really handy to be able to test what I'm writing on a localhost.


  1. #1 posted by Ben Rogers.

    So, Dave. Finally leaving the dark side, then? Much wootage adieu. BTW, you suck at names, don't you?

    Saturday 14th May 2005 at 6:16:00 PM
  2. #2 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    I may suck at names but I don't see you suggesting a better one.

    Wednesday 18th May 2005 at 9:46:55 AM
  3. #3 posted by Ben Rogers.

    How about cowpie? That's better. I don't know. Anything that makes your blog unique? Maybe have something along the lines of talking, discussion, ranting... yap? HamsterYap? blabber+Fog+Blogger+Good dose of kinkiness... Flogger? Blag?

    I got nothin'.

    Thursday 19th May 2005 at 10:23:20 PM
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