Quite Rude

Finally the PC cometh
Blogged on Saturday 16th October 2004 at 2:48:35 PM by David

Let me start by saying that I will not get my PC this weekend, however I will get it on Monday evening! YES!

I have many expensive upgrades to perform and it will be absolutely fucking amazing. Grin

One small point though is that my score on 3DMark03 seems a little low at 11,777, I say it's low becuase I've seen systems with only a 6800 GT that can get 12,700+ (1000 more than me)!!!

If you know why this might be then please let me know, because although I have a kick-ass PC, it's not as kick-ass as it could be.

One of the PC's was a Pentium 4 (not sure about the clock speed) with PCIx and the other was an AMD64 FX-53 with normal AGP 8x.

If it's the PCIx or 64bit CPU that's letting them get ahead of me then I can live with that, the 64bit CPU's are frighteningly expensive and PCIx would mean buying a Pentium system (which I'm not about to go and do).

On a non-hardware note, Paul smells. Cheeky


  1. #1 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    That was so uncalled for... don't make me spam your blog!

    I was almost killed last night, for God's sake!!!

    Saturday 16th October 2004 at 8:36:26 PM
  2. #2 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    Perhaps it was because that your CPU wasnt at 100% .... you could have been right when you said that the CPU was slightly defective.

    If not it jus means that odinary (none 64bit) AMD's that say 3200+ but are really just 2.2ghz are shite Cheeky

    Also - all ive said are jokes and i dnt need people telling me about how AMD's perform just as well as 3.2ghz pentium(ie David)

    Saturday 16th October 2004 at 9:02:00 PM
  3. #3 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Well, you know AMD also "lie" about the performance of the 64bit CPU's as well. Anyway, shut up, go out and buy the november issue of PC Format, then read up on CPU architecture and performance.

    If you don't, then when I come back next week-end I'll bring my PCF mag and beat you round the head with it in the hope that you will some how absorb the information and shut the hell up.

    Oh and I'm very sorry to hear that smelly Paul, but perhaps that guy might not have tried to run you down if you had bathed more often. Just a thought... Grin

    Sunday 17th October 2004 at 8:55:57 PM
  4. #4 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    What ya coming Back next weekend for? ... and if you are back ... can u spare time from you busy life to take a trip to the cinema?

    Btw ... u shud go see the new Resident Evil, its fucking fantastic Grin

    Sunday 17th October 2004 at 9:56:00 PM
  5. #5 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    You definatly need to come to the Cimema next week, AVP is out on the 22nd Grin

    Sunday 17th October 2004 at 9:59:10 PM
  6. #6 posted by Ben "Omega" Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).


    Paul does smell.

    Monday 18th October 2004 at 2:36:22 AM
  7. #7 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Yeah, I think he also said he came from Canada or something. Cheeky

    Anyway, AVP sounds gooooooood, I think I'll probably get back home on Friday and go back to Uni on the Sunday. That leaves all of Saturday free for filmage. Grin

    Monday 18th October 2004 at 10:24:31 AM
  8. #8 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    What time u get back on friday .. as (unfortunatly) i may be a lil busy on saturday, altho i am working on it Cheeky

    Monday 18th October 2004 at 5:42:06 PM
  9. #9 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    Your really need to add an edit feature.

    Any way, ignore my last message, i now have all of saturday free to do whatever i choose Grin

    So Filmage it is!

    Monday 18th October 2004 at 7:32:31 PM
  10. #10 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    ...Don't make me do it, man. I don't want to, but if you don't stop...

    Wednesday 20th October 2004 at 2:03:40 AM
  11. #11 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    I'm quaking in my boots.

    Anyway, I now have my PC! And a new CPU! And it turns out that it wasn't the CPU that was broken. Angry
    It's the mobo.

    Which means I now have to return my mobo and wait until they send me a new one. To keep myself amused until I get my new mobo I was thinking about just poking myself in the eye with a sharp stick all day every day.


    Wednesday 20th October 2004 at 1:42:30 PM
  12. #12 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    PMSFL!!!! Grin

    Your just having so much luck with this new PC of your aint ya Cheeky

    And, the stick in the eye idea might not be so good, cus u won't be able to see Alien Vs Predator!

    Wednesday 20th October 2004 at 4:33:02 PM
  13. #13 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Well it turns out that Nick was right all along, he said that it could have been the north bridge that had blown on the mobo. I chose not to believe him because it would mean having to rip the board out (and everything that came with it).

    But anyway, I should get my water cooling soon and a new mobo, then I'll be all set to cain your PC to death. Grin

    BTW, you smell too. Cheeky

    Thursday 21st October 2004 at 0:18:46 AM
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