Quite Rude

Poetry 2
Blogged on Thursday 9th September 2004 at 9:49:15 PM by Phil

Since the poetry thread from the oh-so-obsolete probes.tk website sort of went a bit dead, I thought I'd resurrect it here. Also, M@x said he enjoyed the old site because of the poetry thread, and he'd post here if there was one. So here it is! Please feel free to offend your forum buddies in verse here.

Since the old site is pretty much dead,
I decided to resurrect this old thread.
Now we can sit up all night
Reciting literary shite,
Right off the top of our head.



  1. #1 posted by M@X (drmarkysparky at hotmail dot com).

    Fuck me, fuck you.
    What you gonna do.
    My scooter runs like poo.
    So I resort the shoe.

    Walking I mean.
    Over fields green.
    Not to be seen.
    Feel like Mr Bean.

    Fuck me, what's that.
    Poetry made of shat.
    Straight from the head.
    Gonna eat some bread.

    Make it into toast.
    God look at that ghost.
    He's being the host.
    He's making me toast.

    Soz everyone, had to get one in.

    Saturday 11th September 2004 at 0:02:07 AM
  2. #2 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    I was playing on Doom 3,
    With my knee,
    Infact all of me,
    Was so scary I had to flee.

    Just got a new Musketeer,
    Don't like to drink beer,
    Taste's queer,
    Over the edge I like to peer.

    I likes to drives,
    But I don't like bee hives,
    I prefer to be in the skies,
    Where the planes flies.

    I'm not a spaz stick,
    If you say I am then you're just thick,
    I ain't the one being a dick,
    You prick.

    Monday 13th September 2004 at 11:49:42 PM
  3. #3 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    Dave you're the prick.
    You're poem makes me sick.
    Go and suck a dick.

    M@X, yours sucks too.
    I'd rather eat some spew
    Than ryhme like you.
    Suck a poo.

    Only kidding fellas Cheeky

    Tuesday 14th September 2004 at 2:09:20 PM
  4. #4 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    I don't like to chew,
    Or suck on poo,
    I'm sure M@X doesn't too,
    I guess what I'm saying is fuck you.

    Phil, you're a cunt,
    How dare you pull such a stunt?
    You were very blunt,
    How dare you make us bear the brunt.

    Make a rhyme about yourself.
    Today's date isn't the 12th!
    When I walk in wet mud it goes squelch,
    And I like to belch.

    Thursday 16th September 2004 at 4:27:48 PM
  5. #5 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    Well I'm off to play Unreal,
    And to celebrate,
    Here's a five-liner,
    That doesn't even rhyme.

    Thursday 16th September 2004 at 10:02:00 PM
  6. #6 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    There was a man named Phil,
    Who took an oddly coloured pill,
    His face went green,
    He said things obscene,
    And generally felt quite ill.

    Thursday 16th September 2004 at 10:22:55 PM
  7. #7 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    There once was a man called Bob.
    Dave can suck out a bob.

    Can't think of anything else.

    Thursday 16th September 2004 at 10:53:52 PM
  8. #8 posted by Rik G (richard at richardgough dot freeserve dot co dot uk).

    Cambridge, Cambridge, a beautiful place,
    A really astounding town.
    Poor Phil is out of place,
    He looks like he came from slough.

    Tuesday 12th October 2004 at 11:14:14 PM
  9. #9 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    Wait, I have one.

    Deep, dark, abysmal,
    It runs over the edge,
    It falls to the ground

    Isn't that great? :-D

    Tuesday 12th October 2004 at 11:33:45 PM
  10. #10 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).


    Wednesday 13th October 2004 at 0:04:22 AM
  11. #11 posted by rhsunderground (dui_247 at hotmail dot com).

    My Three Prongéd Lover

    I see your three prongs
    And I feel my heart jump.
    Whenever I see you
    So fast the blood pumps.
    I have many of you
    An entire sack full.
    A life without you
    Would be simply as dull
    As a life without color,
    A life without smell,
    A life without taste,
    A life spent in hell.
    I keep you in my car,
    My bag, and my room.
    I have killed for you -
    They called you a spoon.
    When I completed the act,
    I thought of my dove.
    The fool deserved it,
    He insulted my love
    And my honor, my life,
    The release of my strife.
    If it weren't illegal
    I'd make you my wife.
    But now I must leave,
    Chinese food is calling.
    I know that the truth
    Will soon be appalling
    But I fear that I might
    Simply be falling
    In love with chopsticks -
    I'm sure you are bawling.
    I wish I could be
    With you one more night.
    But my stomach beckons.
    Sweet dreams. Goodnight.

    Tuesday 23rd November 2004 at 8:30:30 PM
  12. #12 posted by rhsunderground (rhsunderground at gmail dot com).

    Wearing A Smile

    I came home from work, tired and sweaty.
    I dropped my things on the floor.
    I turned around with my head hung low
    And there was a note on the door.

    It told me to have a cold beer from the fridge
    And a nice sandwich upon the counter.
    It said to enjoy and to eat it real quick
    And then to come upstairs and find her.

    I sat down and ate my sandwich like a wolf;
    I didn't have time for a breath.
    It went down my throat with a quick gulp of drink,
    Then I almost choked to death.

    I finished my snack and I ran down the hall,
    I stopped when I got to the stairs.
    I said, "Where are you?" and I craved a reply.
    I looked up and she was right there.

    I knew what was planned for the rest of the night,
    The sight was rather beguiling.
    I stared at the top of the spiral staircase:
    She stood there, naked and smiling.

    Tuesday 23rd November 2004 at 8:32:41 PM
  13. #13 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    Don't post your life story now... O_o

    Tuesday 23rd November 2004 at 8:49:36 PM
  14. #14 posted by rhsunderground (rhsunderground at gmail dot com).

    don't worry - i only put my humourous ones up. the rest are at http://skinneralamod.com/poems.html

    Tuesday 23rd November 2004 at 8:57:24 PM
  15. #15 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Once upon a day,
    I discovered my friend was gay,
    I punched him in the face,
    And to ensure his disgrace,
    I killed him with a tea-tray.

    Hehehe, I also altered your post for you dare to advertise. Grin

    Tuesday 23rd November 2004 at 9:17:51 PM
  16. #16 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    ROTFL, Dave!

    I cannot write poems,
    it's not my thing.
    You retards should all be sent to homes.
    I'll call 'em up, really, this canary's gonna sing.


    Wednesday 24th November 2004 at 6:28:47 PM
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