Quite Rude

Blogged on Thursday 21st October 2004 at 0:29:10 AM by David

God damn umbrellas. Well not really, God damn idiots w/ umbrellas.

The other day it was raining (no surprise there), I was on my way to a morning lecture and, as usual, I was running late. This means that I needed to hurry.

However, I hadn't reckoned on two factors:
1) EVERYONE in Loughborough except me owns an umbrella.
2) EVERYONE with an umbrella in Loughborough is retarded.

You'd get some people walking in the middle of the pavement with a massive canopy that absolutely blocked the entire pavement.

You'd get other people with smaller umbrellas though, of course they usually came in pairs and walked side by side. Retards.

Oh yeah, and has anyone ever noticed how umbrellas all have razor sharp tips on all of the metal struts? Another observation I made was that no matter how tall or short you are, these razor sharp tips are ALWAYS at eye height.

I hate umbrella's. I hate people with umbrella's. If you own an umbrella you're a twat.


  1. #1 posted by Phil (paf31 at cam dot ac dot uk).

    I am an umbrella. Does that make me a twat?

    Thursday 21st October 2004 at 5:02:53 PM
  2. #2 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    On this one topic i must agree with david!

    Manchester is just the same, people with umbrella's trying to painfully remove peoples eyes (as if most of the floors in manc aint dangerous enuff!)

    Thursday 21st October 2004 at 6:05:32 PM
  3. #3 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    Pfcht. See? Your country does suck. :-D

    Thursday 21st October 2004 at 11:55:27 PM
  4. #4 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Don't worry Phil, being an umbrella doesn't make you a twat, being a twat makes you a twat. Grin

    Anyway Paul, our country may suck, but you smell.

    Friday 22nd October 2004 at 3:23:15 PM
  5. #5 posted by Charlotte.

    what are you doing here phil!!
    mr "i wont reply to your emails but i'll post random crap on the site"


    anyway... i agree with you dave although i do own an umberella and find it rather useful in preventing my hair from becoming frizzy in the rain.... specially when i've straightened it and it looks cool and then goes icky!!

    anyway... i've just realised your all men on here except me and so i shall shut up Smile

    Friday 22nd October 2004 at 8:39:07 PM
  6. #6 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    All men, hmm, im not to sure that David should be included in that statement Grin

    Friday 22nd October 2004 at 9:06:37 PM
  7. #7 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    HEY! You said you would never tell anyone about that gender re-alignment surgery!


    Saturday 23rd October 2004 at 3:28:56 PM
  8. #8 posted by Ben (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    Don't worry Dave, it was painfully obvious. Everyone already knew.

    I own an umbrella, because I don't like waterproof things. Of course, since it doesn't rain often here (your country really does suck) there's no massive amount of umbrellas (maybe in the city, but...), and seeing as our umbrellas have dull spokes that protrude a few cm at most, we Americans haven't managed to blind our neighbors in umbrella-related fury.

    Now, I must point and laugh at you, for being British. *commences the pointing and the laughing*

    Saturday 23rd October 2004 at 6:03:26 PM
  9. #9 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    A few cm??? What, do you want it to stick out the back of the eye when you stab them?

    Us Brits only stand to lose eyes, you Americans seem not only to be wanting to take out the eye, but the brain as well.

    In other news, I laugh back in your silly American face.

    Saturday 23rd October 2004 at 6:45:56 PM
  10. #10 posted by Ben "Omega" Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    Ech, I don't know the metric system. Just picture a really small amount. No, smaller. SMALLER. There you go.

    Sunday 24th October 2004 at 4:31:08 PM
  11. #11 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    You know what I hate? People who can't punctuate to save their lives. *Insert eye-rolling smiley, since Dave is too British to have an actual eye-rolling smiley*

    Wednesday 27th October 2004 at 2:46:51 AM
  12. #12 posted by mushtaq (mushtaq_momin2002 at yahoo dot com).

    u guys can surely do something better than talkin` about fuckin` umbrella`s.share some info on chicks man

    Wednesday 27th October 2004 at 5:22:46 AM
  13. #13 posted by Byroz (Antony dot T dot Byrom at gmail dot com).

    I happen to think that umbrella's are a very valid subject! Grin

    People deserve to be warned about the leathal (and legal) weapons people are allowed to carry about the streets! Cheeky

    Wednesday 27th October 2004 at 12:39:37 AM
  14. #14 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Well we have many things that we talk about. Umbrellas is merely the latest topic in a long line of distinguised topics dating back to the middle ages.

    If you would prefer I could create a new blog entry about the invention of breathing by Sir Reginald Twatnoots in 1856.

    Wednesday 27th October 2004 at 3:51:42 PM
  15. #15 posted by Phil (paf31 at cam dot ac dot uk).

    That's TWATNEWTS Dave. I think the man does deserve a little more respect than that. He did invent breathing after all.

    Wednesday 27th October 2004 at 8:23:11 PM
  16. #16 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    My GOD! The shame, I'll have to go kill my whipping boy over this one.

    His family will be upset.

    Ah well, plenty more whipping boys in the dungeon. Grin

    Wednesday 27th October 2004 at 8:40:40 PM
  17. #17 posted by Ben "Omega" Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    You keep a bunch of young children locked up for your desires? I don't know you anymore! Cheeky

    Thursday 28th October 2004 at 5:13:09 PM
  18. #18 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    Ha ha, that sounds really wrong. Really.

    Thursday 28th October 2004 at 8:12:10 PM
  19. #19 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Be quiet Ben, I believe you're a young(ish) boy...

    (need an evil smiley right about now)

    Friday 29th October 2004 at 1:02:43 AM
  20. #20 posted by Ben "Omega" Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    Lol. 14, and I'm quite handy with dual knives. *I need a psycho smiley right about now*

    Friday 29th October 2004 at 10:48:44 PM
  21. #21 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).


    Saturday 30th October 2004 at 6:57:20 PM
  22. #22 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    Guh? "Boh?" Don't you "boh" me. Insolence! Cheeky And unlock those children, you sicko. Smile

    Thursday 18th November 2004 at 9:18:37 PM
  23. #23 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    But if I let them go how can I rape them? They'll all run away. Dumass.

    Friday 19th November 2004 at 0:25:35 AM
  24. #24 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    Oh, yes, silly me. But, wait, isn't Paul in there? And how can it be rape if he likes it? Cheeky

    Friday 19th November 2004 at 9:04:20 PM
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Paul, now with 39615 more smell!