Yes it's true, I've done a bit more work on the blog code, despite STILL not having my own PC to work with (I am beginning to hate PCW-CC).
"What have you done?" I hear you ask. Well, I'll tell you.
Previously there were many-an-error to do with the paging system for user comments which prevented it from being used. I wrote the paging system way back when but I never got around to testing it. I decided a few days ago that the blog "Once Upon A Time ..." was getting too long and needed splitting into multiple pages. However, when I turned on paging it fooked right up (technical term ).
Well for the past two and a half hours or so I have been weeding out the errors and fixing them and I believe I have finally finished.
I have set the number of comments per page at 50 but that may vary depending on what user feedback I get. I can't see many objections arising except perhaps, "I have amazingly slow dial-up at 0.02KB/s and it's takes 13 hours to load your page!"
If that sounds like you then just hang yourself now because I care THAT little about your opinion.
No offense intended.
Edit: I've just fixed another bug over the past 40 mins or so. A blog entry was appearing twice, once on page 3 and once on page 4. Turns out that the script wasn't properly skipping over a deleted blog. It's kinda complicated, I ain't gonna explain.
Another edit: OK, I've done a shit load more work on the blog and I caused several errors while I was working. If you tried to access the site during this time then I hope I confused you.
Seriously though, I have ploughed my way through some old code and have re-formatted the way page numbers are displayed. I have also given me and Phil an easy way to log in via a link in the side-bar. I may have created some bugs in the site but as of yet there are none that I am aware of, if you find one of them let me know will ya. (Of course you'll let me know, all you bloody do is complain you insolent swines. )
39609 helpings of industrial strength cybershite served so far.
**Hangs self**
Yup my nets seriously been that bad the past week - however after a not so polite fone call to BT everything was sorted out at last tonite.
And now to be an insolent swine - nah not really
Well that's what you get for having dial-up.
By the way, if anyone is seeing the page numbers on "Once Upon A Time ..." like this:
... Last
Instead of this:
Pages: [1][2][3] ... Last
Then you have the old style sheet cached, to get rid of the old one and get the new one you need to hit Ctrl+F5 (forced refresh). If you do that the page numbers should be formatted properly then.
I'm not sure what the command is in Opera, sorry guys. Opera is the worst cache monster of them all as well. Try re-installing your browser.
Well, I've created a recent comments page now. I created a whole new subroutine for it though, rather than add more functionality to an already existing one. Like I said before, the code is just too out of control for that.
I haven't had the chance to test out how it looks in Moz or Opera yet so if it looks less than perfect, you know why.
I intend to add to the page over time, like for example having a drop down box to allow for selection of how many comments per page you would like and also a paging system to view older comments etc.
There's a new stylesheet? *Forces refresh to see*
Hey! I don't see any difference...
Paul, did you read comment number 2 properly?
If you're not seeing the page numbers properly then you need to force your browser to download the new style-sheet (hence the Ctrl+F5), if not then you don't need to bother.
If you don't see any difference then I guess you didn't need to force a refresh.
However since I modded the style-sheet again today so that I could get the recent comments page right, perhaps you should force another refresh.
Edit: All references to today refer to yesterday, since tomorrow arrived 4 mins and 21 seconds ago apparently.
Your edit confuses and angers me! I shall burn many munchkins and laugh at small children. IN ANGER!!!
Am I supposed to be concerned by the evil I have indirectly unleashed upon the world? Perhaps.
But who's the real giant 50 Mega Ton robot here?
Like the Recent Comments page - makes things a lot simpler .
Evil - Nah, why worry about something so insignificent.
What you should worry about is the fact that PCW are supposedly under investigation due to the quality of service they provide.(just thought i'd cheer you up )
Well, two things:
1) Where did you hear that?
2) That doesn't surprise me.
Dave, a small request...
I have two websites in the works that require some sort of blogging type software. I think you know where this is going.
Question 1 - Are you going to charge me, your old bud to use your code?
Question 2 - How much are you going to charge me?
I liked the way you just assumed I'd charge you.
£20 a pop.
Nah, you can have it for free, but can you give me a time scale of when you want it? The current code is not very ... user friendly at the moment. Things are harder to modify than they need to be, purely because I wanted to work on the core features of the blog rather than working on makeing it "nice".
We should be buying the domain soon so any time is good. Basically it would just be this site with a new design as far as the blog code goes I think.
All I need is permission then I can do it myself. Hopefully.
ps. How's the university of gayshire working out for you?
University is working out fine. Today I had advanced camping followed by learning how to throw like a girl. It's great!
Well like I said, the code is a little bit weird at the moment. For example, to alter the links in the side-bar you have to go into the functions folder and find the subroutine called "bottom()" in the file called "subroutines.asp" and alter it.
I'm thinking of altering it so that the side-bar links are pulled from the database and the code is written on-the-fly.
Out of interest, what's this for? A University club type thing perhaps?
WTF...? Functions are unlimitedly gay, when the function in question is only being used once. I mean, I can see the advantage of it, but the files that have to be parsed, y'no?
BTW, I wouldn't use this code, Phil. I'd use Movable Type, or something, y'know... GOOD like that. Sorries, Dave. Anything to diss ya, ya know?
No, but close. It's actually for our staircase website. Mostly a chat thing but we'll also put other stuff on. Should be cool.
ps. is fantastic. we ordered the domain name a few hours ago and its already fully active. nice.
Hey Ben, has anyone ever told you that you simultaneously act and sound like a cock? If that answer to that is no then I'll be shocked.
Yeah the function is only used once, once on EVERY page. What's the point of writing it in every page when I can stick it in a function file with many-a-other-function and simply call it on every page?
Hey Phil, what's a staircase site? And who is "we"?
We live on staircases here. 12 people. A web site is an electronic resource for distributing information globally. Put the two together. That's a staircase website.
Seriously though, we now have the domain name. I don't suppose you could give me a few tips on how to modify your code so that it works on a different site, could you? Please?
Uhm, if it's being used on every page, that it isn't being used once. I dunno, your coding style confuses me.