OK, so yesterday was the day when I got my chance to sign up to any clubs that I wanted to at Uni. Of course I headed straight over to the computer club table and got me thoroughly joined.
Then I headed over to the flying club, I didn't have enough moneys on me to pay cash so I asked if I could do it by card. They said "sure, just go over to the till over there and pay." So I did, except that the retards didn't have anywhere to swipe the goddamn card. Retards.
So anyway, after not joining the flying club I headed down to the athletics union to join up for badminton. Which was full. And so was the reserve list.
I was told to try and join in a few weeks when the wankers who thought it would be fun to "join for the hell of it" have left.
Hmm, at least I got into the computer club and I'll have the shit-hottest PC there (or at least I will have by next weekend when it finally gets here).
Did I mention I will have liquid cooling? Hehehe, oh yeah, I bought me a Coolermaster Aquagate, it's gonna be so sweet.
Unfortunately I'm gonna have to ditch my Coolermaster Musketeer to fit the Aquagate in (takes two 5.25" drive bays). Anyone want it (for the nominal fee of £10)?
39619 rabbits met their end in Phil's colon.
Holy g33kosity, Batman! Seriously, who plays badminton? Goddamn brits... "Hey, let's play tennis with a ball with a fuckin' too-too on it!" Worse than them Canadians up North.
By the way, what the hell is the flying club? You all get to gether and get high, or something, and see how much pot it takes to enable you to fly?
Hey guys, I've returned. Although, I won't be on here a lot. Cambridge is fantastic. I love the place. I get to learn everyday at a building where Fermat's Last Theorem was proved. It's fantastic. The calibre of lecturers here is amazing.
Anyway, I've joined the rowing club and the Monty Python society.... niiiiiiiiice.
You hit it hard enough and that tennis ball in a tutu goes 150mph, you don't want that in your face. Or maybe you do want it in your face, but they have special places for people like you.
Incidentally, the flying club is where people get together and fly. In planes. For fun. I would have thought that even you with your limited American intellect could have figured that one out Ben.
Hey Phil, if you're ever in the big boat race, I'll give you £5, no joke. A whole 5.
Sounds good. What do they do in that thar computer club? Talk about computers?
Well there's gonna be a huge LanParty sometime before Christmas (I cannot wait for that, I'll kill people left right and centre, oh and also play some games). There's also a trip out to Sainsburys (yeah, cool I know) and we get to look around a server room and get it all explained to us, then we get some free stuff. (Free is my favourite word, closely followed by newt.)
Water cooling :| ... i hope the whole thing bursts and get your lovely components nice and wet (no to meantion totally unusable).
Another GFX card .... did you not learn with the last two that you bought!!!
If it bursts then it's OK as I have a coolermaster warrenty, in the event of a leakage, if all my PC blows up I get all new stuff.
An inconvenience I know, but my PC will still be better than yours.
And just in case anyone was wondering where I mentioned a new gfx card, it was in an email. I've got my eyes on this one, however I can't buy from Fry's outpost as they don't accept payments from Solo cards, so I've emailed BFGTech to ask if I can buy it from somewhere in England. Hehehe.
By the way, if I do get a water cooled BFG, I already have an eager buyer for my non-water cooled one.
Uni's great.
David, shaddup. I've never heard of a club where they'd trust a bunch of people just out of college with airplanes, is all.
Yeah well they put a pilot in there with you, honestly, come on, you really think they'd just give us a plane and say, "sure, knock yourselves out."
Students do get to take total control of the aircraft, but then the pilot is always sitting right next to you if anything goes wrong.
>>>Water cooling :| ... i hope the whole thing bursts and get your lovely components nice and wet (no[t] to meantion totally unusable). <<<
Technically it shouldn't hurt the computer to get wet. In a perfect world all of the computer parts would be underwater anyway. They would run cooler and last longer that way.
If the PC did get soaked, why wouldn't it just 'splode? (Or at least short cirucuit all of the componants and fry.)
Edit: Hey Phil, looks like we have a resurrection, and on our very own forums!
That's it? You just have LAN parties and go see servers? Sheesh, what kind of club is that. (Note the lack of a question mark; it's a rhetorical question.)
Hey, why can't I edit my comments? Sweeny toads!
You can't edit your comments because you're a member of the great unwashed whereas I am a magnificent Admin.
Besides, I can't be bothered to work in time-based user editing of comments yet.
How much did the water cooling cost you?.... and i'll have you know that your PC aint better than mine!! (altho the gfx card you have is slightly better)
OK, I'll give you the fact that you have 256Mb more RAM than me, however my gfx card pwns yours, my CPU pwns yours, my HDDs pwn your HDD, my DVD Writer pwns your CD Writer, even my freaking CPU cooler pwns yours.
And in response to your question, £150.
$150!!!!!! - So How much in total now have you spent on this PC that you havm't yet been able to use for more than 24 hours (because you blew it up?)
No, £150. you see we have this thing called British Pounds Sterling and it's like this currency thing, it's really cool and it's symbol is £.
I have spent a lot on this PC, I don't really know how much but here are some rough figures:
Motherboard - £80
CPU - £100
Thermal Paste - £10
Aquagate - £150
HDD - £80
Graphics Card - £380
RAM - £80
DVD ROM/Wr Drives - £70
FDD - £10
Power Splitter - I dunno
Have I missed anything?
Seriously, have I missed anything? I've bought too much stuff to remember it all.
If I haven't missed anything that brings it to a total of £960. Ouch, and it's not even DDR2 and PCIx! (Although PCIx is Intel only for the moment.)
Yeah, u missed your now useless Muskteer that your going to throw out ... that adds another £10 onto the already growing number ..... wasn't your original budget £450??
BTW ... Jen sez Hi
I think I might be able to flog the Musketeer, shame that I have to get rid of it really, it looks really cool.
well ... if ya bring it wiv you this wkend, i might think about buying it off ya (as it does look reallly cool)