Quite Rude

What do you call a gay with a small willy?
Blogged on Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 8:21:46 PM by David

Justin Sidebottom. Grin (Yes, both of those are real names.)


I think this blog entry needs something more, but what to put.
Erm, Doom 3 is hard, I've deleted a few of the shitter phrases from the counter and I'm about to add some scriptage to show who posted a blog entry.


  1. #1 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    Nice bit of deletage there Dave. I can't see the counter by the way.


    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 8:46:12 PM
  2. #2 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    Don't you mean a "_guy_ with a smally willy"? What the fudge is a gay?

    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 9:34:24 PM
  3. #3 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    Er, no I mean gay. Other terms for gay include:

    Fudge packer
    Bum boy
    Arse bandit

    Are you getting the picture yet?

    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 9:37:30 PM
  4. #4 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).


    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 9:38:17 PM
  5. #5 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    My mother liked the joke Dave, so it must have been good.

    Paul - come and sit on my knee while I explain a few basic facts about boys and girls ...

    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 9:55:09 PM
  6. #6 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    Shuttup, Phil. I know about the birds and the bees and the bees who like other bees instead of birds, and the birds who like other birds instead of bees.

    I'm not sitting on your knee, either... child molestor. Get away from me, you sick, sick man.

    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 10:14:17 PM
  7. #7 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    I'm quite healthy actually.

    It's the birds that dress as bees while birding a bee up the beebird that you want to worry about.

    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 11:35:05 PM
  8. #8 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    PMSL! Grin

    That doesn't even make sense but I think it's funny. Grin

    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 11:52:56 PM
  9. #9 posted by Ben "Omega" Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    I wish I knew what it meant. Something makes me think it'd be funnier...

    BTW, Phil, I think cracker-boy was referring to your health in the head...

    Thursday 2nd September 2004 at 11:54:42 PM
  10. #10 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    I know. Grow some sense of sarcasm.

    Friday 3rd September 2004 at 10:51:57 AM
  11. #11 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    lol, really. Grin

    Ben, stop calling me cracker-boy... I'ma lay the beat down on yo punk azz, biatch!

    Friday 3rd September 2004 at 7:47:42 PM
  12. #12 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    Dave, if you got 1 mark off an A, why not ask for a remark, on your practical or something. You're certainly not going to drop a grade.

    Saturday 4th September 2004 at 1:00:45 PM
  13. #13 posted by David (david dot s dot harrison at gmail dot com).

    'Cause it costs summat stupid like £25/module.

    Saturday 4th September 2004 at 6:31:18 PM
  14. #14 posted by Phil (freeman dot phil at gmail dot com).

    Return of script ... £3

    Remark of paper ... £25

    Not being a worthless piece-of-crap hobo with a B in physics ....

    .... priceless.

    Saturday 4th September 2004 at 6:34:13 PM
  15. #15 posted by Paul Jr (prakoskejr at gmail dot com).

    ROTFL! Good one, Phil Mccrackin.

    Sunday 5th September 2004 at 2:15:49 AM
  16. #16 posted by Ben "Omega" Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    You need a rolling eyes smiley... steal it from MSN or something. Grin

    Sunday 5th September 2004 at 2:19:30 AM
  17. #17 posted by Schteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel.

    I got a D in physics and was rather happy, thankyou.

    Wednesday 8th September 2004 at 4:30:25 PM
  18. #18 posted by tube of ridicule (elbravado at hotmail dot com).

    my body is full of worms and scabs, my skin is festered and broken ! i take solace in the fact that my work is quicker than a weavers shuttle. i also eat .

    Saturday 13th November 2004 at 5:38:43 AM
  19. #19 posted by tube of ridicule (elbravado at hotmail dot com).

    it is with great sadness that i now have to accept that DONKEYS are ,in fact,NOT the only fruit !!

    Saturday 13th November 2004 at 5:41:20 AM
  20. #20 posted by Ben Rogers (bcrogers at gmail dot com).

    Do you want a cookie or something, tube of shit?

    Tuesday 23rd November 2004 at 1:32:19 AM
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