Well, I went to Autistic Cuckoo to retrieve a link to an article for someone on the webdev forums (by the way, if you're reading this Tommy, you write kick-ass articles) and something caught my eye.
So, I figured that without being invited (as seems to be the general trend) I'm going to steal the musical baton and subject you to my views on the matter.
Total Volume:
11.7Gb but I still have a few CD's that I'd like to get onto my HDD
Last CD Bought:
Frantic Euphoria Mixed By Anne Savage (is actually 3 CD's)
Song Playing Right Now:
The Used - Buried Myself Alive
Five Songs I Listen to A Lot, Or That Mean A Lot to Me:
A Perfect Circle - The Noose
Feeder - Comfort In Sound
Muse - Stockholm Syndrome
Story Of The Year - Swallow The Knife
Coldplay - The Scientist
Five People to Whom I'm Passing the Baton:
Anyone who wants it, if you don't have a blog then write about it in a comment here, I don't mind, just as long as you don't tell me that my taste in music sucks.
Edit @ 7PM: Since I see that Jona has not made a musical baton entry, I am handing him the baton. I would also like to offer the baton to Dunstan in the hope that he will return to his blog and make an entry, God knows it's been long enough.
Since May 2004, 39549 children have been burnt at the stake while their young mothers watched in horror.
Right now, I'm listening to "What's THIS for...!" by Killing Joke, which I bought off the market on vinyl for two quid yesterday. And it's pretty cool.
That's right, I DO post comments. Sometimes.
Hmm, it is truly a crime for me not to have been passed a musical baton already, but is not the real crime the fact that you stole that baton?
In any case, I've responded to your stolen musical baton. I didn't realize you actually had such good taste in music!
Tommy is not going to read this yet, he still owes me some work from last year. (Hej Tommy get back to work now or I am sending in the Skidoos).
The "Stolen Baton" is much better Idea, could have got you several people whom would have chain linked you if you had asked.
But I asked EVERYONE, doesn't that include them?
But seriously, let me know who they are and I'll edit the blog again. Of course, I'm only supposed to have a maximum of 5 and I've already got two of them, so if I limit it to 3 I'm sure they can pass it on to everyone else.
Total Volume:
2.1gb, but I've yet to rip any CDs... uh... I mean I legally bought 2.3gb and haven't re-ripped anything I got before I reloaded. Yes...
Last CD
BoughtAcquired:Muse's Absolution. Listening to it right now, good stuff. ^^
Song Playing Right Now:
Muse's "Blackout." Seems like the Arcade Fire gave this one a listen (or the other way around).
Five Songs I Listen to A Lot, Or That Mean A Lot to Me:
Time Is Running Out - Muse
Head Like A Hole - Nine Inch Nails
Prison Sex - Tool
Superstar - Cold
The Horrible People - Marilyn Manson (a remix of The Beautiful People)
Geh. Thoughts on extending that last list to 10? I focused more on favourite songs, I don't relate to much music, so that's not really an option. =\