As some of you may have noticed there is a new banner on the site.
That banner is to a site that I happen to visit every Monday and Friday. I think it's very funny and you should too.
I hope that by placing that banner there they will get a whole 6 new visitors!
Still not convinced, check out my personal favourite comic from their site. It's drawn in their old style (which is far superior to their new style by the way).
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
You know, I've just noticed that they use a lot of the same expressions as me an Phil use.
Such as putting "age" on the end of things to make new adjectives, and "tard" is quite a popular one as well.
Fancy that, it must be an English thing.
4:08:52 AM on Monday 7th June 2004
Posted by: wibblethefish (matt at mbcomics dot com)
So hello this would be Matt (the cartoonist of monobrow), just wanted to say thanks for linking, just glad you like the site, even if you don't like the new style
9:53:31 AM on Thursday 10th June 2004
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
Wow, it's like royalty is visiting. I didn't actually think you'd bother with this shite hole.
The stuff you two come up with and draw, it's pretty much exactly what me and Phil do when we're in school. That's what makes it all the more funny.
5:48:27 AM on Friday 11th June 2004
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
Well, one of us has never stabbed the other and there's no dinosaurs with knives in our lifes, but your "filler" comics that use conversation snippets, I could just see me and Phil there in the picture.
4:52:31 PM on Friday 11th June 2004
The voltage accross lavalamp's brain is curently 6468V.