What is your favourite sweary insult. Mine is actually by Charlotte, and it's actually quite terrific :
Eat my ass with a spork.
Other favourites include combining various swear words to create one big swear word,
Eg. Shit off dickfuck,
or Eat cock, twatcunt,
or Hey turdpiss, go assfelch a monkey!
You get the idea.
Please post your favourites.
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
I prefer the simpler ones:
Of course, that is not to say I don't enjoy the odd fuckface or bobsucker.
10:57:11 PM on Thursday 17th June 2004
Posted by: Richard Turner (rich at richardturner dot com)
i'm pished and cant type so excuse speling and gramer,;
dickhead, twat and tard, wot happened to good old fashioned words, such as wanker, cunt, penis puller, shit stabber, arse bandit?
bob sucker? wtf is a bob im presuming a cock but i may be wrong may be a type of lolly
3:58:30 AM on Friday 18th June 2004
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
A bob is a shit, as in, "I'm just going for a pre-exam bob," or "Fuck off you slimy bob sucker."
Technically it could be a kind of lolloy, but it would have a really horrible flavour so lets not dwell on that.
4:34:33 AM on Friday 18th June 2004
Posted by: charlotte
personally i find a good old kick in the balls solves all arguments and prevents the need for insults.
1:35:36 PM on Friday 18th June 2004
Posted by: M@X (drmarkysparky at hotmail dot com)
I like it, so here goes... You piss gargling, spunk chewing set of Daddy fiddlers. Only kidding...
11:46:17 PM on Friday 18th June 2004
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
Daddy fiddlers? Does that imply that the kids are the ones who rape the parents?
Wow, how's that for a conspiracy theory?
I wonder, can I think of any more questions?
You fucking piece of anal fluff!
1:12:14 AM on Saturday 19th June 2004
Posted by: Phil (freeman dot phil at ntlworld dot com)
Stiffler (spell?) always comes up with the best insults, e.g.
Finch, go fist yourself.
I have an idea, I'll get a spoon so you can eat my ass.
9:24:54 PM on Saturday 19th June 2004
Posted by: charlotte
sporks are better than spoons.... idiot boys!!
good insult: nob toad
9:49:38 PM on Saturday 19th June 2004
Posted by: Phil (freeman dot phil at ntlworld dot com)
10:04:43 PM on Saturday 19th June 2004
Posted by: charlotte
i already do
10:06:36 PM on Saturday 19th June 2004
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much info there, from both Phil and his dumb bitch.
11:27:34 PM on Monday 21st June 2004
6450 rabbits met their end in Phil's colon.