The other day, I was thinking what could be done to make exams more enjoyable. I came up with the following :
Take last year's paper into the exam room. When you are told to start, pull out the old paper, complete it as usual and hand it in at the end. Don't forget to date the paper with last year's exam date.
The examiner will either (a) Think the paper got lost in the post for a year, and have a nervous breakdown because he doesn't know what to do (very funny), or
(b) (more likely) disqualify you from all of your exams, rendering your future completely null.
I think it's worth the gamble.
Current music : Public Enemy / Sophisticated Bitch.
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
Current Music: Cornershop - Brim Full Of Asha
20p will be mailed to the person who can tell me what Asha is. You will of course have to pay for first class postage, by first mailing the money to me first class.
This has nothing to do with the blog but I couldn't be arsed creating a separate blog for it. Deal with it.
5:00:56 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
Posted by: Phil (freeman dot phil at ntlworld dot com)
Google is the answer. A quick search for asha reveals that it means hope. The real answer is quite in depth apparently and there's quite a lot of meaning behind the lyrics.
5:09:56 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
Posted by: Phil (freeman dot phil at ntlworld dot com)
Now get back on topic bitch!
5:10:14 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
Posted by: Charlotte (meh)
or alternatively you could sit the correct paper, hand it in CORRECTLY and not be diqualified??
just an idea...
although admittedly after physics today i dont think actually sitting the exam helps at all cos you just look dumb when you dont know the answers....
maybe thats just me.
8:25:59 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
Posted by: Phil (freeman dot phil at ntlworld dot com)
Another idea - you could capitalize the beginning of every sentence.
Just a thought.
8:28:00 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
Posted by: charlotte (meh)
you could try eating my ass with a spork
8:31:53 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
Posted by: Phil (freeman dot phil at ntlworld dot com)
Is that a spoon-fork, or did you mis-spell pork? Either way, it seems quite unpleasant. Quite how one eats one's ass with a pork is frankly beyond me.
8:35:53 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
8:37:39 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
Posted by: Phil (freeman dot phil at ntlworld dot com)
This site is a nice tidy place. We'll not have people littering it with fucking shitty grammar and insulting language, thank you very much.
8:41:50 PM on Monday 14th June 2004
6456 muggers caught and probed daily.