When asked to comment, Phil the lemon had this to say:
Sorry Dave, Brinkster won't let me upload the database.
The file manager just deletes the existing file then crashes.
- Phil.
So I managed (with the help of my browser history) to get to the page where I could upload the database, the uploading worked for me.
However, Phil had also created an index page with the above comment on, I had to get rid of this somehow. Your file manager controls just didn't work.
I viewed the source of your page and nicked the form that is used to delete files, then I had to fill in all of the values myself and submit the page from another window while I was logged into Brinkster.
Thank-fully the deletion form worked and now we seem to have our web-site back to normal.
- Dave
Posted by: Kermit (anthonyjohncox at hotmail dot com)
It could be that someone had hacked their filemanager, or that there was a server error - it can happen with server side languages. [it could be that someone was trying to crack someone's details - not sure]
Luckily, My filemanager has never experienced this problem, but it has only been running in a public environment for about 4 days
9:28:51 PM on Tuesday 1st June 2004
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
Oops, I think I made a booboo. I found out that I had JavaScript disabled on my browser because I must have been testing a script for accessibility.
Oh well, I guess Brinkster is running fine after all (albeit, inaccessible).
4:11:37 AM on Wednesday 2nd June 2004
Posted by: Kermit (anthonyjohncox at hotmail dot com)
I'll resist the temptation to insult you for your "booboo". I don't know why though, you insult me enough times [not that I care]
3:09:24 PM on Wednesday 2nd June 2004
Posted by: lavalamp (d_s_h2 at hotmail dot com)
Shut the hell up fuckbag.
Only kidding.
3:04:25 AM on Thursday 3rd June 2004
Posted by: Phil (phil at philfreeman dot org dot uk)
Fuck off you fucking fuckbag.
1:22:38 PM on Thursday 3rd June 2004
Currently insulting 6472 minority groups.