
New Blog!!!

I was thinking to myself, "there haven't been any blogs for over a day and a half now!" So I decided to do something about it. This is the result.

While I'm writing, I might as well give an update report on the new site. I decided to take it upon myself to pretty much recode the entire site. It's going pretty well so far and the code is looking less like spaghetti code and become much mure structured. I think that I should have it finished before the end of the week (but I have 3 exams on Thursday to slow me down Sad).
Phil is also slavishly working away on a new fuck-tastic design which I will then put onto the site (probably won't take more than a couple of days for that) and then we can make the move to the new domain!

We will take all the blogs that we like from this site and transfer them accross to the new version (which I am cleverly calling Ass Plug 2.0) and then we'll be all set for mucho insanity.
There will also be a whole host of other features, including avatars that you can select to be displayed next to your post and your avatar preference will be stored in a cookie with your personal information should you so wish. Grin
