HDD Killers

Space Donate

Posted on Saturday 18 March 2006

Alright, things are progressing nicely with my new project. Today everything went from HTML to PHP, there’s includes and functions and all sorts of stuff in there.

Big thanks to Milkman for helping me sort of a couple of problems with the PHP behind the contact form on Wednesday morning.

Well that’s really all I have to say about this for now, progress is going reasonably well.

Onto some other things. I applied for a job doing webdevelopment, it’d suit me right down to the ground. Here’s the job description in the ad.

The ability to build complex websites in XHTML to AA/AAA standard and CSS quickly and efficiently are an essential requirement for this role.

You will be a good communicator and team player with an expert knowledge for cross-browser and cross-platform compatability (PC – Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Mozzila/Netscape, MAC – Internet Explorer v5.2, Safari and Opera).

You will sit between the creative and technical departments (XML and XSLT knowledge required) and assist with the front and back end integration of websites.

If you have SEO knowledge and a creative ability this will be an advantage.

Well, there’s a few things to note in there. Obviously the major one is that they spelt Mozilla wrong. Aside from that I reckon I could do that fairly fantastically, and I’m sure that the fact that my latest pet project is written in HTML 4.01 won’t count against me at all, *shifty eyes*. The only worry I have is that I’m not really up to speed with the XML and XSLT part. I think I’ll be studying the W3C recommendation for XSLT over the weekend, however, having had a quick glance already it looks relatively simple, but we shall see.

I may consider tweaking SD to serve XHTML 1.1 application/xhtml+xml to browsers that will take it and serving HTML 4.01 to the rest. Maybe I could use XSLT to transform the XHTML into HTML, then set the content type with PHP. Won’t that simply thrill the pants off them? I’m sure it will.

Anyway, they wanted to see some examples of what I’d done in the past. I’m almost certain that they meant they wanted to see some web-sites, instead I gave them a list of things I’d done for people on the webdev forums, oh yeah, totally gonna get this job. So in case anyone is interested as to what’s on it, here’s the list.

    Sunday 19th March 2006 | 4:30 pm
    Neal V.'s Globally Recognised Avatar

    Pretty funky project there with SpaceDonate. Could be pretty cool. Going for the imageshack kind of thing?

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