HDD Killers


Posted on Sunday 19 February 2006

Posters, I have quite a few in my room, recently I got 3 more. Just thought I’d share some pictures of them with you all. I got a bit snap happy with the camera and also ended up taking some pictures of what’s on my book shelf, should give some insight into what’s perverted me over the years.

The pictures are 1/16 original size and between 100KiB and 133KiB each, just click the thumbs to see them. I have also uploaded the original shots, they are of a considerably larger file size.

  • Happy Bunny poster. (full size) – A poster with pictures of bunnies on it.
  • George Bush poster. (full size) – A poster full of stupid things that GWB has uttered. Quite popular, but I thought it was funny, so I bought it.
  • Sexy vampire poster. (full size) – Sexy sexy.
  • Left shot of my room. (full size) – Here is the left side of the room as I look at it from my bed.
  • Middle shot of my room. (full size) – And the middle.
  • Right shot of my room. (full size) – And the right, can just see a couple of boxes of Lego Technic on the side there. Used to play with that quite a lot when I was younger, not so much now though.
  • Top shelf of books. (full size) – Yes, Harry Potter, very disturbing.
  • Bottom shelf of books. (full size) – The other shelf with books on.

You can’t properly see from the pictures, but on the shelves with books on, there are actually two rows of books on each.

All of the pictures were taken with a Konica Minolta DiMage X1. They are slightly smaller than those taken with the S9500, and also I think that the picture quality isn’t as good, the images seem grainy whereas with the S9500 they were crystal clear and sharp. However, when you consider the size of the camera it’s actually pretty damn impressive.

    Ben Rogers
    Monday 20th February 2006 | 3:21 am
    Ben Rogers's Globally Recognised Avatar

    Well, for one…you realize the bunny poster is a “girl power” thing, right? Also, Gellar fanboy much? Gettin’ creepy there, Dave. I’m not sure I like insights into you…:p

    Monday 20th February 2006 | 3:36 am
    David's Globally Recognised Avatar

    She’s only in 6 of the 14. But yeah, she’s hawt.

    Girl power poster or not, with phrases like, “me want hurt you”, “plotting revenge is fun” and, “I like to scare old people”, it’s funny. 😀

    Monday 20th February 2006 | 3:54 am
    Stuart's Globally Recognised Avatar

    The vampire chick poster is hot, where’s it from?

    Monday 20th February 2006 | 1:21 pm
    Daniel's Globally Recognised Avatar

    Lol, ya, I was thinking the girl-power thing too, but Ben beat me to it. Cute, though.

    And I suppose I’d do that vampire… no oral, though, that could be dangerous.

    Monday 20th February 2006 | 9:57 pm
    Antony's Globally Recognised Avatar

    I thought everyone already knew that David was a big fan of “Girl Power” no matter what excuse he makes.

    As for the Vampire picture its by Victoria Francés and published (in the UK at least) by Pyramid Posters.

    Ben Rogers
    Tuesday 21st February 2006 | 4:53 pm
    Ben Rogers's Globally Recognised Avatar

    Lol, Dan, I don’t know, could be interesting. Anything once, eh?

    Tuesday 21st February 2006 | 7:16 pm
    rhsunderground's Globally Recognised Avatar

    if i had more money i’d buy posters. and that bush one would definitely be one of the first.

    Friday 24th February 2006 | 5:26 pm
    David's Globally Recognised Avatar

    Stuart, I just got them from one of the HMV’s in Manchester, can’t really remember which one.

    Ben, it’d probably be both the first and last time if you did.

    Ben Rogers
    Friday 24th February 2006 | 6:52 pm
    Ben Rogers's Globally Recognised Avatar

    Lol, Dave, it’s quality over quantity, ne?

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