I was looking at mint just now and noticed some of the awfully strange things that people searched for and found my site.
For example, I’m on the first page of results if you google for, “sir humphrey appleby quotes examples” (no quotes). I’m also on the first page if you search for “bt voyager 105+blue screen of death” (again, no quotes). There are quite a few other mundane searches, such as “ghost image HDD” and “K8N-E BLUE SCREEN” (no quotes, never the quotes, they watch you when you sleep you know, watching and waiting…).
And then of course, there’s always “beheadings vids” and “categories of killers” (how many time do I have to tell you people, jeez). Someone, probably two different people, found my site by searching for those things (both on MSN search). THAT ROCKS!!!
Anyway, time for more imagery since there seems to be a distinct lack of it (except for the comments!), here’s a screeny of the mint search pane so you can see for yourself that I’m actually not lying, it’s fantastic!
So if you have a site and some stat tracking, what searches did people do to find your site?
beheading vids, huh!?
Yeah, you want the link?
no, thanks
well it was while i was looking through my referrers that i came by the site again. my top 10 for november:
-inurl htm | html | php intitle index of last modified parent directory description size lapdance
lapdance inurl images index of parent directory
intitle index of parent directory lapdance
index of/ monty python s index of/ monty python s
kk leet
a la mod
merrill skinner
1960s tv show band